Blue iris download does not have geofensing
Blue iris download does not have geofensing

blue iris download does not have geofensing

From the Settings page tap the People icon and click the + in the top right hand corner. To share your camera, load up the live stream and tap the settings cog. You can add and remove shared users at any time. You can add additional users to your Neos SmartCam account and they will be able to view any alerts, check on your camera in realtime and if using the auto arming function, the camera will not arm until all users have left the auto arming zone.Shared users can access the camera’s live stream and alert videos, but cannot change camera settings. How can I share my Neos SmartCam with other users?

blue iris download does not have geofensing

With a MicroSD card installed and set to Record events only, the camera will save video to the MicroSD card as long as motion or sound is detected. The 12-second alert videos have a 5-minute cooldown period, so when there is constant motion the camera will record a 12-second alert video every 5 minutes and save that video to the cloud for 14 days. Note that this is independent of the 12-second alert videos that are captured and stored on the cloud for 14 days based on the camera’s motion and sound detection settings. This means that the camera will record continuously when there is motion or sound, and will not record when there is no motion or sound detected. If motion or sound is detected at any point within a 1-minute increment, that 1-minute increment is recorded to the microSD card. How the 'record on event' feature with MicroSD card works: The camera breaks the video feed into 1-minute increments. A good way to use this feature is to view the alert video under the Notifications tab first. However, using a MicroSD card with the ‘record on event’ feature turned on will allow the camera to record the rest of the footage that the cloud video does not capture.

Blue iris download does not have geofensing